Integrations that Enhance Productivity

Connect Peerdom with tools you already use to automate tasks and amplify productivity across your existing workflows.


Peerdom’s Zapier integration allows users to easily connect with thousands of other apps and software tools with just a few clicks. With Zapier you can automate workflows, sync data, and streamline processes without any coding. For example, you can easily link Peerdom with project management tools, CRMs, or communication platforms. The Zapier integration simplifies the setup of interactions between Peerdom and nearly any other software you use. Optimize your operations and improve efficiency across various platforms.

Illustration of a Peerdom map and a draft

Microsoft Entra ID SSO

Peerdom supports Microsoft Entra ID, offering secure single sign-on (SSO) through industry-standard methods like OpenID Connect and OAuth. This allows users to access Peerdom with their existing Microsoft Entra credentials, simplifying login processes and improving security. You can also synchronize your employee directory and peer pictures with Peerdom.

Illustration of Peerdom integrating different tools

Google Workspace SSO

Peerdom supports Google Workspace SSO, enabling users to securely log in using their existing Google credentials. By leveraging industry-standard authentication protocols like OpenID Connect and OAuth, Peerdom ensures a secure login experience for teams. You can also synchronize your employee directory and peer pictures with Peerdom.

Illustration of Peerdom integrating different tools